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Fatal Fury: Pemain Beta Keluhkan Matchmaking, Khawatir Nasib King of Fighters 15 Terulang

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves’ beta is out, and well, let's just say the matchmaking isn't exactly pulling off a flawless victory like Terry Bogard. Seems like SNK is channeling their inner King of Fighters, and not necessarily in a good way… or so far, at least.

Beta Test: The Hype and the Hiccups

SNK recently unleashed the open beta for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, giving players worldwide a taste of the upcoming fighting game. This first taste is supposed to get players pumped. Players get to try out the gameplay, characters, controls, and all that good stuff before the game’s full launch. But, like any beta, it's mostly a testing ground, and what's supposed to happen doesn't always happen.

The whole point of a beta is to test the game, and identify problem areas such as bugs, glitches, and issues with online matchmaking. And yes, matchmaking, which can make or break any online fighting game. This is where a lot of players, including some notable names in the fighting game community, are experiencing some issues. This is happening in a beta test, which means we can hope everything will improve.

Matching Woes: Waiting Simulator?

The main issue, as reported by many players on social media, is the dreaded long matchmaking times. The wait that feels like an eternity when you just want to get your hands dirty. Imagine wanting to unleash Geese Howard's Raging Storm, and then you're stuck waiting so long, you're just staring at a loading screen.

Fighting game legend Justin Wong, also known as JWonggg, shared his frustrating experience. He only managed to play 18 matches in 3 hours. Other players are reporting similar experiences. A number of other players have expressed their concerns about the lengthy wait times to find online matches. It's a frustrating experience that has left many fans concerned.

Is This Déjà Vu? The Shadow of KOF XV

Some issues might be addressed day by day, but the problems haven't disappeared completely. Many people are even reminded about a rather unpleasant event… The King of Fighters XV. Which also had its own matchmaking problems at launch. It's making players a little wary about the upcoming release. Some players even mentioned waiting to play the game almost as long as it took to actually load it.

Players worry that the game will repeat the mistakes on the previous game, KOF XV, which had a broken matchmaking system. KOF XV also launched with significant online matchmaking issues, and the problem lasted for quite a while. As a beta, seeing these glitches is normal. But players want to avoid a repeat of past mistakes.

The Community's Verdict: Mixed Reactions

The response from the community has been, well, a little mixed. Some players are loving the gameplay, controls, and overall feel of the game (which, yay!), but the matchmaking is, to put it mildly, a hot mess. Players are having trouble finding matches, especially in the PC version.

Some player impressions have been generally positive, though the main problem is still the matchmaking, which ruins the gameplay experience a bit. Players also share their positive experiences with the lobby system and overall gameplay, but with the matchmaking as the sticking point.

The community is also expressing concern about the game's user interface (UI), which is pretty important for a seamless gaming experience. The problem is, a broken UI can ruin everything. If SNK can't address these issues, the entire game is dead on arrival.

The Waiting Game: What's Next for Fatal Fury?

Remember, this is a beta, or in other words, this is the reason betas exist. Problems are expected, and the developers at SNK are expected to take serious notes. The priority should be clear: fix the matchmaking before the full launch.

SNK needs to collect data and feedback to identify precisely what's causing the matchmaking problems and solve them before the April release. The good news is, when players do get into matches, they're generally having a good time. If any of you encounter issues while playing the Beta you need to report this to SNK as soon as possible.

How Can You Help? Your Voice Matters!

  • If you encounter any matchmaking issues, make sure to report them using the available forms. This is the best and most direct way to get your voice heard, so the developers can see what's up. This is a critical step* for the developers to improve the full release.

  • It's a time to be optimistic while also being realistic. Make sure SNK can take the feedback of the players to heart, and use them to improve the full release. After all, many people won't want to see the game fail, just like they don't want history to repeat itself.

Ultimately, the full release of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves rests on SNK's ability to address the matchmaking issues. If it can, then many people will have the chance to play a potentially amazing fighting game. If SNK can't, then… well, let's just say things could get ugly real fast.

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